낙스빌 지역 한인회
Knoxville Area Korean American Association
New Year's Celebration & Inauguration
Sat, Jan 18
|Korean Church of Knoxville
We cordially invite you & your family to 2020 New Year's Celebration & 21st Knoxville Area Korean American Association President Inauguration. Please come and join us for exciting beginning of year of mouse.

Time & Location
Jan 18, 2020, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Korean Church of Knoxville, 108 Farlow Dr, Knoxville, TN 37934, USA
About The Event
2020 낙스빌 지역 한인회
2020 Knoxville Area Korean American Association
신년인사회 및 이*취임식
New Year's Celebration & Inauguration
2020 신년인사회 21대 이*취임식을 개최합니다. 온가족이 함께 참여할수 있는 프로그램과 경품을 마련하고 여러분을 초대합니다. 많은 참여를 바랍니다.
We are happy to invite you and your family to 2020 New Year's Celebration and Inauguration of 21st president of Knoxville Area Korean American Association. We will provide family programs and prizes. Please come and join us to celebrate Year 2020 and welcome new president of Knoxville Area Korean American Association. We are proud to be a part of Konxville Community.
일시 (date and time): 1.18.2020 토요일 (Saturday) 4PM-7PM (door opens at 3:30PM)
장소 (location) : 낙스빌한인교회 문화센터 (Korean Church of Knoxville Cultural Center)
108 farlow drive, Knoxville, TN 37934
문의 (question) : 사무총장 유향아 (Gina Wilson) 770-241-7692
참석 여부를 문자로 미리 알려 주시면 감사하겠습니다
Please R.S.V.P. to Event Page on www.kaka865.com